MDX - The Revolution

Today I learned about MDX.

From their website:

MDX is a format that lets you seamlessly use JSX in your Markdown documents. You can import components, like interactive charts or notifs, and export metadata. This makes writing long-form content with components a blast 🚀.

Sounds pretty neat if you ask me! Coming from a background of building WordPress sites using Visual Composer (oof...), this looks like a clean solution for writing blog post with custom elements. MDX combines the terse syntax of Markdown which we have all come to love with modular JavaScript (JSX) encapsulations and reusability. What's not to like?

I will certainly be trying this thing out on this blog!

Hey! This was the first entry in the "Note" category. These will be tweet-sized posts about a topic that I just learned about but am interested in learning more about. As I become more familiar with the topic, there might be a longer post coming up!